Kristin Rose Photography
I had so much fun creating this logo for Kristin Rose Photography. I combined a camera shutter with flower petals to play off of her middle name, Rose. I’m excited to see her photography skills blossom!
I had so much fun creating this logo for Kristin Rose Photography. I combined a camera shutter with flower petals to play off of her middle name, Rose. I’m excited to see her photography skills blossom!
Gradiance (pronounced gray-dee-uhns) is inspired by the word "radiance" (warm, cheerful brightness) and is a play on the word "gradient" (the degree of inclination, or the rate of ascent or descent).
What makes you glow with radiance?
What do you daydream about ascending towards in your life?
I would love to partner with you to create the visual branding for that daydream.
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